CRT 101 Intermediate Project
Newly Hatched
What is "Newly Hatched"?

"Newly Hatched" is a lamp made with a laser cut wooden box and a 3-D printed dragon egg.  The egg itself lights up using a series of Neopixels connected to an Arduino Nano inside the box itself.  I like adding surprises to my projects, and the surprise for this one is a sleeping dragon inside the egg.

Why did I make "Newly Hatched"?

So, at first, I had wanted to make a tail that lights up.  My inspiration came from kagunes from a show called Tokyo Ghoul.  However, I didn't really like how I was planning it and all the materials I had to obtain to make it.  When I was making a foam core version of the end of the tail, I thought it kind of looked like a dragon egg, and so "Newly Hatched" was, well, my newly hatched idea.

My Process through Prototyping
Initial Concept Design
So my initial design of the egg was the have some kind of 3-D printed hinge to be able to lift up the egg but keep it near the box.  But I ultimately decided to just attached a piece of cloth to keep it in place since the hinge idea would be too complicated (e.g. how well will one 3-D print, how to attach it to the egg, etc.).
Foamcore Prototype
I just used the tail-end I had made for my previous idea as the egg, and I laser-cut a box out of foam core.  I had kept the dimensions of the box, but I realized that I needed to lower the hole for the cord connecting my Arduino to the power source.
Functional Prototype
I initially only wanted to do three solid colors.  But then I changed to multi-colored settings to add a little more flare, though they aren't as visible as I would have liked them to be.
Aesthetic Prototype
This the box and egg I made in HackBerry, and I was really glad at how they turned out.  Then they were used in my final product.

How It Works
Newly Hatched

Newly Hatched
